关于求助的英语句子 关于求助的英语经典说说

关于求助的英语句子 关于求助的英语经典说说

1.在民俗观念中,想要拥有美好的姻缘,就该向月下老人求助。In the folk custom idea, if you want to have a good marriage, you should turn to the old man under the moon for help.

2.遇到一些疑难的问题要多思考,或者求助于别人,决不能回避。When you come across some difficult problems, you should think more, or turn to others for help, and never avoid them.

3.面对这封没有署名的求助信,大家一时间不知如何是好。In the face of this anonymous help letter, we didnt know what to do for a moment.

4.走投无路的她决定求助政府。Desperate, she decided to turn to the government.

5.困在山顶的他发出了求助信号。Trapped on the top of the mountain, he sent out a signal for help.

6.其后,女佣发现狗只不翼而飞,于是报警求助。later, the maid found the dog missing, so she called the police for help.

7.家里出了点事,请来了多位亲戚,向他们求助,可是他们面面相觑一个个都找理由推辞,令我感到很颓丧。When something happened at home, many relatives were invited to ask for help, but they looked at each other, each of them looking for reasons to refuse, which made me feel very depressed.

8.签约不到一月,墨渖未干,他就不肯照约付款,我们只好求助法律解决,要求赔偿损失。Less than one month after the signing of the contract, Mo Shen refused to pay according to the contract, so we had to resort to the law for compensation.

9.真正痛苦的事不是不能向人求助,而是没有一个可以求助的人吧。The real pain is not that you cant turn to others for help, but that there is no one you can turn to.

10.如果你所爱的人心甘情愿来帮你,而你却不向他们求助,这样做是否合适?If someone you love is willing to help you, but you dont turn to them for help, is that appropriate?
