简短的幼儿小故事英文 老人与死神的故事

简短的幼儿小故事英文 老人与死神的故事

1.老人与死神The old man and Death

2.An old man cut himself a bundle of faggots in wood and started to carry them home.有一个老人在森林里砍了一些柴,准备运回家。

3.He had a long way to go, and was tired out before he had got much more than half-way.他十分吃力地挑着走了很远的路,还没走到一半,就已经累得走不动了。

4.Casting his burden on the ground, he called upon Death to come and release him from his life of toil. The words were scarcely out of his mouth when, much to his dismay, Death stood before him and professed his readiness to serve him. He was almost frightened out of his wits, but he had enough presence of mind to stammer out, “Good sir, if you you’d be so kind, pray help me up with my burden again.”他便将担子放在地上,要求死神快点来,让他尽快摆脱这个痛苦的生命,更令他沮丧的是,还没等话说出口,死神便站在他面前,声称已经准备好为他服务了。老人几乎吓呆了,但却保持着沉着镇定,结结巴巴地说:“好人呀,你行行好,帮忙把那担子再放到我的肩上吧。”
